News From Beacon Hill – September 2022

Please contact us with any upcoming accounts or information requests. Visit Beacon Hill’s blog for industry information and company updates.   Schools and Site Pollution Liability Fall means back to school! The start of a new school year means lots of things to do and […]

News From Beacon Hill – August 2022

Please contact us with any upcoming accounts or information requests. Visit Beacon Hill’s blog for industry information and company updates.   Pollution Exposure: Meth Labs Meth labs are being discovered on properties all over the country, and the effects of this drug residue can require […]

News From Beacon Hill – July 2022

Chemical Manufacturers & Distributors Companies that manufacture, process, or distribute chemicals have a clear and unique environmental exposure. Not only are there specific handling procedures and safety measures that…See marketplace changes for chemical companies.         Common environmental exposures From mold to asbestos […]

News From Beacon Hill – June 2022

New Business Opportunity: Sites & Facilities Policies can be tailored to fit very specific needs, such as limiting coverage to just onsite cleanup, or offsite Bodily Injury. It is this flexibility that makes these policies very powerful…Read more.           Need Applications? […]

News From Beacon Hill – May 2022

Is there a topic you’d like to learn more about? Let us know! We want to hear from you.       Exposure Spotlight: Office Buildings There are many types of commercial office buildings, with each having a variety of potential pollution exposures. Depending on […]

News From Beacon Hill – April 2022

Spotlight: Renewable Energy Accounts The Renewable Energy field has grown exponentially over the last ten years. The broad acceptance of renewable sources of energy, along with healthy tax incentives for the installation of these systems…See coverage info and more.           Mid-Term […]

News From Beacon Hill – March 2022

Do you have an account you’d like us to look at? Contact us. See some of our recently written accounts HERE. Read our latest blog posts.     Pollution Concerns for Gas Hauling & Storage Businesses Businesses handling, storing, and transporting gases have complicated pollution […]

News From Beacon Hill – February 2022

Meet the Beacon Hill Team! Check out our team webpage         Product Spotlight: GL, Products Pollution, & Site Pollution Beacon Hill offers combined CGL, Products, Products Pollution and Site Pollution coverages. Excess and supporting Auto are available for many risks as well. […]

News From Beacon Hill – January 2022

Happy New Year from Beacon Hill Associates! As we move into 2022, we want to thank you for your partnership. We are pleased to report that we exceeded our growth goals in 2021 and are already off to a busy start this year. See some […]

News From Beacon Hill – December 2021

Happy Holidays From Beacon Hill Associates Season’s Greetings from the Beacon Hill team! We truly value and appreciate your partnership. We have had another strong year and we owe a lot of that success to the fantastic agents we work with. If you need help […]