News From Beacon Hill – April 2022

Spotlight: Renewable Energy Accounts

The Renewable Energy field has grown exponentially over the last ten years. The broad acceptance of renewable sources of energy, along with healthy tax incentives for the installation of these systems…See coverage info and more.






Mid-Term Limit Increases

Occasionally insureds have a contract requiring higher limits than they currently carry. Sometimes, they are interested in raising their full policy limit to meet the requirement and provide higher limits for…Read the article.






Trends in Manufacturing Accounts: Carriers Weigh In

The disruption in our country’s supply chain over the last two years has forced manufacturers to take a hard look at their output and efficiency, as well as their business practices. In December 2021…See what our carrier partners say.






Understanding Environmental Site Assessments

An Environmental Site Assessment (ESA) is a comprehensive review of the environmental conditions at a specific property. ESAs are a valuable resource for property owners, lenders, real estate…Learn more about ESAs.






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