News From Beacon Hill – July 2022

Chemical Manufacturers & Distributors

Companies that manufacture, process, or distribute chemicals have a clear and unique environmental exposure. Not only are there specific handling procedures and safety measures that…See marketplace changes for chemical companies.





Common environmental exposures

From mold to asbestos and other contaminants, learn about some of the issues and exposures that affect contractors, consultants, sites/facilities, and property owners & managers. Read about environmental exposures.





What is Sudden & Accidental Pollution Coverage?

Sudden & Accidental coverage is tied to a discovery and reporting period, and generally covers bodily injury and property damage caused by a pollution loss. If a claim comes in and is a gradual…Read the article.






Securing a Successful Renewal

The environmental insurance marketplace is competitive and complex. More carriers are entering this space and coverage is more robust and affordable than ever before. And as many agents…Reasons to market an account.






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