Coverage Spotlight: Apartment Owners & Managers

The ever-changing landscape of the real estate market has created new environmental liability challenges for apartment managers and owners. Faced with competition for investment opportunities, often involving the pursuit of properties in congested areas or environmentally challenging areas (ex. waterfront, warehouse, industrial, etc.), environmental exposures […]

Financial Assurance for Storage Tanks

Financial Assurance (FA) regulations for underground storage tank owners/operators were first put into place with the 1986 amending of Subtitle I of the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA). These regulations require owners/operators to prove they have the financial resources available to clean up any […]

Spotlight: Insurance for Land Conservation Entities

Land conservation entities work to protect the environment, so when something goes wrong or if these sites become contaminated, they may have an elevated level of risk, not only from a financial standpoint, but also from a reputational perspective. The following are some notable environmental […]

Land Conservation Entities

In general, land conservation entities are designed to preserve the environment by establishing agreements between landowners that will protect environmental factors for tracts of land. These environmental factors may vary according to the goals of the land conservation entity. Examples of typical goals they ascribe […]

Exposure Spotlight: Petroleum Refineries

According to the United States Energy Information Administration*, as of November, 2015, there were 140 operating petroleum refineries in the United States. The majority of these refineries are in Texas, California, and Louisiana, however, there are a significant number of them scattered about the Midwestern […]

Non-Owned Disposal Sites (NODS)

Non-owned disposal sites (NODS) are facilities to which owners/operators or contractors take waste. Companies utilizing NODS typically have no ownership interest or control over them. The material shipped there may be waste from a company, tenants, client, or anyone else’s waste the generator is responsible […]

Understanding Insurance Subjectivities on a Quote

By Megan Stephens, PartnerOne Environmental Underwriter When an insured receives a quote, one of the first items they review is the subjectivities. The list of required subjectivities can be intimidating, but carriers have reasons for requesting this information. Understanding the purpose of each of them […]