Beacon Hill’s Most Popular Articles From 2022

Take a look at our most read and shared posts of 2022. Drum roll, please!

Mid-Term Limit Increases

Occasionally insureds have a contract requiring higher limits than they currently carry. Sometimes, they are interested in raising their full policy limit to meet the requirement and provide higher limits for future jobs, but often it may be more practical to provide the higher limits required on a project specific basis. Read the article.

Understanding Emergency Response Costs

Emergency Cleanup Costs, Emergency Expenses, Emergency Remediation Costs… While it can go by many names, the concept is a common sight included among many different pollution policies. As common as it may be, however, there are many different definitions and variations throughout the marketplace that can have a significant impact on the value of this coverage to an insured. Read the article.

Oil & Gas Contractors: Sudden and Accidental Pollution Coverage

Many oil and gas insurance carriers offer Sudden and Accidental (S&A) Pollution coverage for property damage and bodily injury within the General Liability coverage, but is it enough pollution coverage for your contractors’ operations? Read the article.

Top 5 Accounts to Go After Right Now

We want to share with you our list of accounts that we see as the best opportunities right now. We are actively writing this business and have carrier partners who want to provide coverage for these risks. Read the article.

Recycling Centers and Their Place in the Environmental Insurance Market

In the past few years, we have seen large shifts in the insurance marketplace regarding carrier appetite and capacity for certain classes of business. In this article, we will examine how the recycling industry is not exempt to these market shifts, and how an increased number of E&S carriers, particularly those in the environmental insurance market, are stepping in to fill the void left by the standard market’s evolving outlook. Read the article.

Chemical Manufacturers & Distributors

Companies that manufacture, process, or distribute chemicals have a clear and unique environmental exposure. Not only are there specific handling procedures and safety measures that must be taken, they must meet various regulations relating to use, disposal, and reporting. Carrying pollution coverage is a crucial part of this risk strategy and is usually a requirement. Read the article.

Understanding Environmental Site Assessments

An Environmental Site Assessment (ESA) is a comprehensive review of the environmental conditions at a specific property. ESAs are a valuable resource for property owners, lenders, real estate attorneys, land developers, and insurance companies that are used to identify and evaluate potential contaminants on the site. Read the article.

Retroactive Dates on a Business Sale

When we hear that a client is either purchasing or selling their business, a common question we receive is “what actions should take place for the seller’s insurance policy and how should we set up the buyer’s insurance policy?” Premises Pollution policies are written on a claims made basis and will have retroactive dates to consider. The first question we ask is “what is the structure of the sale?” Depending on the answer, the account would be handled differently. Read the article.

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