New Business Alert: Midstream and Downstream Oil & Gas Businesses
Many industries have come to a screeching halt during the pandemic, including travel, hospitality, and other fuel-driven sectors – but midstream and downstream operations are seeing an increase in activity this year.
With the reduction in fuel consumption, storage and processing capacity is at a premium. These refinery and distribution businesses present a great opportunity to write business.
Coverage Beacon Hill can offer for midstream & downstream contractors:
General Liability, including:
- Blanket Additional Insured
- Blanket Waiver of Subrogation
- Primary Non-contributory
- Non-owned Disposal Site Coverage
Contractors Pollution Liability
Transportation Pollution Liability
*Carrier appetite fluctuations and market pressures are creating opportunities for O&G business to move. Let us help you retain your accounts or secure new ones. Contact us for more information.
Want to learn the difference between sudden & accidental and non-sudden and gradual Pollution coverage? Click here.
Target risks include:
Midstream Contractors – Storage facility construction, pipeline contractors, storage tank cleaning/servicing/painting, soil remediation contractors, non-destructive testing contractors, and industrial cleaning contractors.
Midstream Consultants – Storage facility consultants, facility inspection, company ‘eyes and ears’ consultants, health and safety training consultants, equipment rental, etc.
Midstream Product Manufacturers – Fittings, pipes, gaskets, valves, storage tanks, pumps, metal goods (oil field & facilities), anything where the failure of the product would cause a pollution claim.
Midstream Sites – Storage facilities, contractor’s yards, pipelines, processing facilities, blending facilities, etc.
Downstream Contractors: Refinery contractors, industrial contractors (including cleaning/sandblasting, painting, etc.), pipeline contractors (including inspection, PIG contractors, etc.), etc.
Downstream Consultants: Facility inspection, company ‘eyes and ears’ consultants, health & safety consultants, equipment rental, and manufacturer’s reps.
Downstream Product Manufacturers: Fittings, pipes, gaskets, valves, chemicals (including blending), pressure vessels, frac tanks, storage tanks, pumps, and metal goods.
Downstream Sites: Injection/disposal wells, contractor’s yards, pipelines (of call kinds), refineries, and blending facilities.
For more information about energy risks, please contact us.
Type: Blog
Topic: energy, Oil and Gas