Environmental Concerns for Fire & Water Restoration Contractors
Pollutants from fire/water restoration contractor activities can significantly affect the environment, even though these activities are meant to restore the general order of a locale. Response personnel may encounter many different circumstances that could lead to releases of hazardous chemicals, incompatible materials, or materials that are easily diffused, and no health and safety plan or emergency response plan could ever anticipate what might happen at a worksite. There have been many instances of restoration contractors coming onto a site and inadvertently releasing materials that they were intending to contain.
Although many environmental regulations excuse response personnel from liability for costs or damages during the course of rendering care or assistance to others, this does not mean that contractors cannot be held liable for costs or damages as a result of releases that they cause or exacerbate at a worksite. This can happen even if they have gotten all of the necessary permits to conduct their operations.
Environmental concerns for fire & water restoration contractors include:
- Neglecting to accurately find all mold, the water source, or other affected areas.
- Not removing/extracting all water from the structure, resulting in mold growth.
- The build back work not being done properly and potentially creating a pollution issue.
- Examination of area, cleanup of areas, bringing in heavy equipment if needed, and cleanup/removal of trash.
- Transporting waste or materials to or from a jobsite.
- Disposal of waste at non-owned facilities.
- Insured’s owned premises.
Environmental coverage for fire & water restoration contractors
Contractors Pollution Liability
Contractors Pollution Liability insurance (CPL) is coverage designed to protect from third party claims for damages caused by “Pollution Conditions” arising from the insured’s covered operations. Adding Mold coverage broadens the defined list of covered pollutants to include molds, funguses, etc. We are able to add the General Liability and Professional Liability for most environmental contracting accounts.
Contractors Pollution Liability/Professional
The Contractors Pollution Liability/Professional Policy is a combined Pollution and Professional coverage form. It provides coverage to environmental consultants, environmental engineers, and other environmental professionals who have an E&O exposure from their professional services, as well as a pollution exposure from any jobsite/project management operations. We are able to add the General Liability for most environmental consulting accounts.
Site Pollution Liability
Site Pollution Liability insurance is designed to cover claims arising from pollution releases at, on, or emanating from a specific scheduled location. Examples may include a contractor’s equipment yard or a self-storage facility.
Workers Compensation
A Workers Compensation policy provides coverage for an employer’s exposure arising out of job-related injury/death resulting from an accident or occupational disease sustained by employees. Moving Workers Compensation accounts from assigned risk (or other state programs) into a program will offer exceptional coverage at a very competitive rate.
Auto Coverage
Automobile insurance coverage is typically required for most businesses; an Auto policy including Pollution is an ISO based Auto form including broadened pollution endorsements and any motor carrier filings.
Follow Form Excess Liability
If underlying General Liability, Pollution and/or Professional Liability is offered, a Follow Form Excess policy is also available. The Follow Form XS will go over the qualifying environmental coverage lines, as well as the underlying Auto and Employers Liability if applicable.
For more information and claim scenarios, please contact us.
Type: Blog
Topic: Fire and Water Restoration