Top 3 Accounts to Target This Fall
We want to share with you our list of accounts that we see as the best opportunities right now. We are actively writing this business and have carrier partners who want to provide coverage for these risks.
Renewable Energy Businesses
From solar to wind, geothermal to hydro, the firms that install, service, and operate these facilities have unique insurance exposures. Biodigesters converting methane to compressed natural gas require an expertise that calls for specialized contractors and operators. Renewable energy risks range in size and complexity from large scale hydro/wind installations backed by the government, to smaller scale solar installations. See coverage info and more.
Abatement & Demolition Contractors
As one of our top classes of business for many years, our hit ratio for demolition/abatement contractors remains extremely high. Coverage may address improper handling, removal, storage, transport, or disposal of materials — such as asbestos, lead and mold — that can lead to pollutant releases. For these insureds, we can write GL, Contractors Pollution, E&O, Auto, and Workers Compensation as well as other supporting lines including Excess, Cyber, Mold, etc. Read more.
Many industries have seen dramatic upheavals as the country moves out of the pandemic, but few have had as many challenges as manufacturers and distributors. As they continue to evolve their business models to achieve greater success in the world, being cognizant of the significant environmental liabilities that come along with those new operations is crucial. Read more about coverage for manufacturing businesses.
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Type: Blog
Topic: Account Management, Market Outlook