News From Beacon Hill – September 2022

Please contact us with any upcoming accounts or information requests. Visit Beacon Hill’s blog for industry information and company updates.


Schools and Site Pollution Liability

Fall means back to school! The start of a new school year means lots of things to do and learn. It’s also a time for schools to look at their environmental exposures


Learn about exposures, coverage, and more.




Recent Success Stories

As we head into the fall season, we wanted to share with you some of our recently written accounts. Check out some of these success stories from the past few months…


See recently written accounts.




Renewable & Alternative Energy

From solar to wind, geothermal to hydro, the firms that install, service, and operate in this space have unique insurance exposures. For these contractors we can write…


Check out these renewable energy opportunities.




News Alert: Accounts Needing Auto Coverage

The demand continues to rise for Auto coverage, and the potential for pollution-related transportation incidents will always be an issue for businesses…


See minimum premium, limits, and more.




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