News From Beacon Hill Associates: June 2024


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The Summit: Healthcare Issue

Healthcare illustration

There are thousands of healthcare facilities across the USA, from large hospital campuses to corner drugstores. Pollution exposures can be quite significant for these facilities and any response to…Read the Healthcare Issue. 

Pollution Insurance for Historic Contamination

Historic Contamination

The past can have a lingering presence in business, especially when it concerns the environment. Historic contamination of a property can pose significant risks and potential liability for business owners…Learn more about historic contamination.

Exposure Alert: Mold in Senior Care Facilities

Wheelchair in nursing home

Senior care facilities that have mold are at a greater risk of bodily injury due to the age and overall health of the residents, many of them having pre-existing health issues and compromised immune…Read the article.

Product Spotlight: Inland Marine/Contractors Equipment

Semi-trailer truck Renault Premium drives at the interurban freeway.

Available coverage for a variety of insureds, including environmental and non-environmental contractors that use/transport equipment, constructions companies, agriculture businesses…Get coverage and premium information.

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