News From Beacon Hill Associates: February 2025

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Top Classes of Business to Go After This Year
We’ve compiled a list of our top new business opportunities to target this year. These are insureds who need pollution coverage, are accounts we have top markets for, and who we have…Check out these top new business opportunities

Navigating Liability for EV Charging Stations
Due to growing demand and government incentives, the number of EV charging stations in the U.S. has doubled since December 2020. As the rapid expansion of electric vehicle infrastructure…Read the article.

Contractors Pollution & Professional Liability
The Contractors Pollution Liability/Professional Policy is a combined Pollution and Professional coverage form. It provides coverage to general contractors, construction managers…Get coverage and exposure information.

Environmental Insurance Resources
Beacon Hill Associates offers a number of tools to help you educate your clients on environmental exposures. We encourage you to use these tools and resources to help your insureds understand the…See claim scenarios, FAQs, and more.
Type: News