The renewable energy field has grown exponentially over the last ten years. The broad acceptance of renewable sources of energy, along with healthy tax incentives for the installation of these systems, has led to thousands of new firms now focused on this space.
From solar to wind, geothermal to hydro, the firms that install, service, and operate these facilities have unique insurance exposures. Biodigesters converting methane to compressed natural gas require an expertise that calls for specialized contractors and operators. Renewable energy risks range in size and complexity from large scale hydro/wind installations backed by the government, to smaller scale solar installations. These account opportunities are expected to grow exponentially as virtually every locality embraces the movement toward sustainability and a smaller carbon footprint.
Finding the right insurance to address their various needs also requires expertise. At Beacon Hill we have focused on the environmental market for over thirty years, covering both contracting and facility-based exposures for over seventy-eight thousand insureds. In recent years, those have included the risks mentioned above, as well as:
Our Renewable Energy Portfolio
- Solar contractors – both commercial and residential
- Electric charging station installation contractors
- Solar farm operators
- Geothermal installation contractors
- Wind turbine service and installation firms
- Biodigester construction and operation exposures
- RNG transportation – pipelines, rail, and over the road
Available Coverages for Renewable Energy Risks
- Commercial General Liability
- Contractors Pollution Liability
- Professional Liability
- Site Specific Pollution Liability
- Automobile Liability
- Workers Compensation
- Property
- Inland Marine
Application Process for Renewable Energy Businesses
- Completed Supplement
- Complete Acord package for coverages desired
- CGL and Property Loss Runs
Contact Beacon Hill Associates
Please call (800) 596-2156 to discuss an account with an experienced team member or submit a form to request more information about our environmental insurance products. BHA is here to help you!