Asbestos Claim Scenarios
Sample environmental insurance claims against asbestos abatement contractors include:
Two employees of a gas/electric company and their asbestos removal contractors were charged with violating safety standards while removing asbestos from pipes in California. The workers were convicted and faced a five-year prison sentence and a $250,000 fine. The gas/electric company faced a total of $2.5 million in fines.
The owner of an asbestos abatement company was charged with violating the Clean Air Act after he hired an individual to transport asbestos containing material (ACM) to a disposal facility. The individual took the material and abandoned it in a semi-trailer in a parking lot. A company redeveloping the parking lot discovered the trailer and its contents. The owner of the asbestos abatement company had to pay $180,000 to dispose of the ACM property and faced fines of $250,000 and two years of imprisonment.
In 2008, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) conducted a compliance inspection of a renovation job site. The results of the investigation found various violations of the National Emissions Standards for Hazard Air Pollutants (NESHAPs) that related to the handling of asbestos containing material (ACM). Some of those violations included the fact that the contractor did not prevent visible emissions to the outside air and no markings on the disposal vehicle during loading of asbestos for removal from the job site. The contractor settled with the EPA for $36,000.
These claims examples have been provided to us by our insurance companies over the years. These represent actual environmental claims they have seen. While the coverages we offer are designed to address these general issues, we make no guarantee or warranty that any individual policy we offer will respond to all issues as described herein. Please refer to the actual policy wording in each offered form to determine coverage applicability and acceptability.
To request more claim scenarios, please contact us.
Type: Claim Scenarios
Topic: Asbestos, Claim Scenarios