Insurance for Demolition Contractors
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Beacon Hill has a successful track record of writing demolition contractors, providing industry-focused coverage from foremost environmental carriers. Since most demo contractors are responsible for associated asbestos and/or lead abatement as part of their projects, this environmental component makes them a great fit for the coverages we can offer.
Historically, our hit ratios are high with these accounts for two reasons: First, our experience and product knowledge allow us to address the unique coverage needs of these contractors; and second, we partner with carriers who want to write this business and can provide superior products designed for demo contractors. Simply put, our team can quickly and successfully write and service this type of business.
Some specifics about coverage for demolition contractors:
*We can offer all lines of coverage including General Liability, Contractors Pollution Liability, Professional, Workers Compensation, Auto (including MSC90 & CA9948), Excess, Contractors Equipment/Inland Marine, and Property. We can also write the United States Longshore and Harbor coverage (USL&H) if needed.
*We can accommodate the sale of scrap variable for these accounts.
*Interior demo to full building tear downs acceptable.
*Beacon Hill offers many coverage enhancements and limit options.
*While we can review any demo contractor account, we prefer no wrecking balls or implosions.
For more information about environmental coverage for demolition contractors, please contact us.
Type: Blog
Topic: Demolition